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Jenny's Superfood Energy Snack

Since I cut out meat and dairy from my diet I've seen an improvement with my digestion. My eczema has definitely dialed back. I'm loving the energy boost, as well.
I've been craving the creamy textures one gets from dairy. Here's an easy substitute I created, packed with everything you need to stay healthy.
Recipe by Jenny Argie
Prep Time 10 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Superfood
Servings 3 servings


  • 1 cup coconut milk unsweetened
  • 1 tsp CBD olive oil can also use regular olive oil
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp flax seeds
  • 1 dollop raw local honey


  • Combine it in small jars with lids, refrigerate overnight and enjoy throughout the week!
